Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

The Khan Academy at TED Conference: YouTube videos can change education

When the former hedge fund manager began posting humorous math tutorials on YouTube for his young cousins, they not only loved it, but it quickly earned a grass roots following. Today, the Khan Academy offers 2,000 such tutorials, ranging from basic addition to vector calculus - for free. Khan conducts all the tutorials for his audience of 1 million students. This past year, a northern California school district began using a Khan-developed curriculum that uses data analysis and self-paced learning to help its teachers better work with students individually. Following Khan's rousing presentation at the annual TED conference Wednesday, Khan supporter Bill Gates told the audience: "I think we've just gotten a glimpse into the future of education."

Another very good talk from last week's TED conference. This time it's Salman Khan talking about his Khan Academy, aYouTube-ified short-bite education program offered by a former hedge fund analyst. It's good stuff. Just check it out.

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